Sunday, March 9, 2008

shout your name into the wind....

this is it....our last drive of the trip....out to the farm.

driving across the country has been the most freeing feeling we've ever felt and now to end it and have our dreams come true is unfathomable.

don't listen to anyone that tells you you can't live your dreams. we're doing it.

life is beautiful and God is in everything.

be joyful!!!

penny and dave


Hilary Grace said...

those pictures are absolutely breathtaking! i honestly have no words. the oregon ones were my favorite. honestly, i have no words. it is so beautiful.

and i didn't cry watching the video until the part when you said you only drove about 2 hours and then laughed at yourself, then again when you panned the room and stopped for a second at boyd and percy. i miss you guys. i'm so happy for you. will you continue to post videos? i love it so much. i wish i could talk to you more than once a week. this is so amazing though, it's going to be so much fun. i love you guys.

Unknown said...

I can see the miles you traveled on your face. It's amazing that you did the trip in a week. Ya'll must be ready to explode... geez.

Oregon looks so beautiful, and I'll be pining for our next big trip to the state that flies with her own wings.

peace and pacific coasts

TimmFreitas said...

hey homies!!!! hope you are loving the ore---gon...but remember dont let Ebidiah off of the wagon when you go hunt buffalo or rabbits, he is bound to get happens to everyone on the oregon trail....anyway the point is, i am so pumped I found your blog...and it may be so that it will soon be on my blogs i support to ya! hopefully see ya!

o hey jenn and I are moving to new bedford in april we already have an apt!

love your cousin!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog , I miss you guys !!
Amazing Dick